Debates Left Hanging: Joe Biden Refuses Two More Face-offs, Leaving Questions Unanswered


In the midst of a heated political climate, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has made a surprising decision to decline not one, but two upcoming debates. This unexpected move has left both supporters and critics scratching their heads and wondering what implications this may have for the upcoming election.

While some may argue that Biden's reluctance to participate in these debates is due to his age and potential lack of energy, others speculate that it may be a strategic move to avoid any potential missteps that could jeopardize his chances at the presidency. However, with such a crucial and highly anticipated event, it's hard not to question the reasoning behind his refusal.

This isn't the first time that Biden has turned down an opportunity to publicly address his policies and plans for the country. In fact, he previously declined a debate with his primary opponent Bernie Sanders, leaving many to wonder if this is becoming a pattern for the former Vice President. Is he simply avoiding confrontation and tough questions, or is there something else at play?

As expected, Biden's decision has sparked controversy and criticism from both sides of the political spectrum. Some have accused him of lacking transparency and avoiding accountability, while others defend his decision and claim that it's a smart move in the long run. Nevertheless, the question remains: why is Biden shying away from the chance to defend his platform and engage in meaningful debate?

It's also worth noting that these debates are not just for show or entertainment, but rather a crucial opportunity for voters to see the candidates in action and make informed decisions based on their performances.

With only a limited number of debates scheduled, Biden's refusal to participate in two of them raises concerns about his commitment to engaging with the American people and addressing their concerns.

Furthermore, this move also calls into question the integrity of the democratic process. Should a candidate be allowed to pick and choose which debates they want to participate in? Does this not undermine the purpose of a debate, which is to provide a fair platform for candidates to share their views and engage in productive discourse?

As we move closer to the election, the importance of these debates cannot be overstated. They serve as a critical opportunity for voters to evaluate the candidates and make informed decisions. With Biden's latest decision to decline two more debates, it's unclear how this will impact the election and the perception of his campaign. Will he reconsider his stance or stick to his decision? Only time will tell.

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  1. I knew that Biden wouldn’t debate he can speak a full sentence with out screwing up all the people know that he is senile.

    • Missed the State of the Union Address, eh?
      Biden has accepted the challenge to two debates already. There may be more.

  2. It doesn’t surprise me. Of course now you can read everywhere all the things that people pick out that they claim Trump is suffering from. Trying to make it look as though he is as disabled as Biden. I would also like to point out that Trump is doing darn good considering all the stress he is going through every single day. Biden couldn’t keep up with Trump for even one day.

  3. Of course he’s not going to debate, he’s a scared stupid pussy with no guts. An inveterate liar with no brains

  4. Well, let’s see. What has he done for our country thus far? Oh, yes, raised our taxes, increased the price of gasoline, raised food prices, made it almost impossible to be able to afford to buy a home. Don’t forget the millions of people coming across the border and who is footing the bill for them? They are getting all kinds of help, yet American citizens are suffering and living on the streets. I will be very surprised if we aren’t in a war before this administration ends.

  5. there is no way this man can even suggest he can debate. I would love to see him take a drug test. he was so juiced on amphetamines in the SOTU, that the next day he couldn’t even talk at all. they pump him up, then pump his stomach. what a waste of humanity Joe Biden is.

  6. if he has all his faculties at 100% why won’t he release the tapes of his interview with Mr. Hur? he has declared executive privilege, the same thing that they are going after trump for. can you say hippocrit? what’s new. has been that and a congenital liar his entire life. and raised kids to be the same.

  7. Is anybody really surprised? We knew this was going to happen! The next thing we’ll see is he’ll only debate via a close circuit t.v. with a delay, no live audience, and no real time face to face debate with President Trump!
    Biden is a COWARD! He’s never told the truth in his entire life! He can barely stand on his own two feet much less follow a straight painted line on the ground without tripping over it! Biden knows he can’t debate face to face! He has no factual accomplishments to his name or administration! It’s been a 4-year fiasco that sent the American People back 20-30 years! He caters to the 1% while ignoring the rest!


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