Whistleblowers Reveal Tulsi Gabbard Under Federal Surveillance


Several federal air marshal whistleblowers have come forward with allegations that former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is under active surveillance by the Biden administration. The revelations have sparked significant controversy and concern over potential political motivations behind the surveillance.

According to the whistleblowers, Gabbard, who has been a vocal critic of the Biden administration and its policies, is being monitored under the "Quiet Skies" program. This TSA initiative, originally intended to track potential terrorist threats, has reportedly been repurposed to target individuals based on political activities and affiliations. The program involves deploying air marshals to monitor specific individuals during their flights, compiling detailed reports on their behavior and activities​.

Sonya LaBosco, Executive Director of the Air Marshal National Council, disclosed that Gabbard is unaware of the extensive surveillance she is under. The monitoring reportedly includes two Explosive Detection Canine Teams, one Transportation Security Specialist, a plainclothes TSA Supervisor, and three Federal Air Marshals on every flight she takes.

This heightened scrutiny began on July 23, just one day after Gabbard criticized Vice President Kamala Harris and the Biden administration in an interview with Laura Ingraham​.

LaBosco, along with other air marshal advocates, has expressed outrage over the misuse of the Quiet Skies program, arguing that it transforms air marshals into political tools rather than security professionals. They have called for an immediate investigation into these practices, highlighting the violation of constitutional rights and the potential for abuse of power within federal surveillance programs​​.

Gabbard, a former Democratic presidential candidate who later became an Independent, has a history of clashing with her party over foreign policy and national security issues. Her criticism of U.S. interventionism and her outspoken stance against the military-industrial complex have made her a contentious figure in American politics. During her presidential campaign, she faced accusations from Hillary Clinton of being a "Russian asset," which led to Gabbard filing a defamation lawsuit against Clinton​​.

The Quiet Skies program, initially designed to enhance aviation security by monitoring potential threats, has come under fire for its lack of transparency and accountability. Critics argue that the program's expansion to include political figures like Gabbard sets a dangerous precedent for the misuse of federal surveillance powers​​.

The allegations against the Biden administration and the TSA raise serious questions about the balance between national security and civil liberties. As the situation unfolds, there will likely be increased calls for oversight and reform to ensure that surveillance programs do not infringe upon the rights of American citizens based on their political beliefs and activities.


  1. Yet again one of those ‘things’ that have no accountability. Who determines ‘enhanced surveillance, what criteria is used and perhaps even more importantly WHY aren’t the ‘victims’ informed. Oh and since they don’t get informed there is no way to contest the action nor the ability to get it cancelled.
    I suppose it is a good thing the resources that do the watching are limited or else nearly all of us plain old ordinary people would be ‘watched’. OTOH, we don’t know if we are, or not.


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