Larry Ellison Pushes for AI-Powered Surveillance to Monitor Citizens’ Behavior


Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison has stirred controversy after his recent remarks about the future of AI-driven surveillance, envisioning a world where artificial intelligence constantly monitors citizens. Speaking at a meeting with Oracle’s financial analysts on September 17, 2024, Ellison predicted that AI would eventually power vast law enforcement surveillance systems, keeping citizens and police officers alike under continuous watch to ensure they remain on their "best behavior".

Ellison's vision for AI involves constant tracking of every action, with AI systems automatically reporting any issues to the appropriate authorities. This, he claims, would lead to a significant reduction in crime, as individuals would be aware they are always being observed. Such a system, he argues, could replace a significant portion of traditional law enforcement tasks, reducing human error and bias.

However, critics are alarmed by the potential societal consequences of such a system. Concerns are growing that AI surveillance might disproportionately target specific communities, exacerbating existing racial and socioeconomic biases already present in law enforcement data.

Despite these reservations, Ellison remains a staunch advocate of AI’s role in shaping the future, emphasizing the technology’s potential to enhance public safety and efficiency.

Ellison’s stance reflects his long-standing belief in the transformative power of technology, particularly Oracle’s AI capabilities. In the past, Oracle has invested heavily in AI advancements, and Ellison believes that this tech revolution will also extend to personal and public sectors. He predicts that the AI-powered surveillance systems could soon become ubiquitous, with every police officer and citizen subject to AI scrutiny at all times.

While Ellison’s vision may sound dystopian to some, he argues that this level of oversight would lead to a safer, more compliant society. The tech mogul's remarks have sparked a broader discussion on the balance between public safety and individual privacy. Civil liberties advocates have raised red flags, warning that the normalization of mass surveillance could lead to a loss of freedoms and heightened government control over daily life.

This is not the first time Ellison has championed AI's capabilities. Oracle, under his leadership, has been positioning itself as a leader in AI and cloud services, competing against tech giants like Microsoft and Google. In his recent discussions, Ellison highlighted Oracle’s plans to further integrate AI into its platforms, particularly in areas like cybersecurity and data management, hinting at the company’s future role in providing the infrastructure for such surveillance systems.

Nevertheless, the prospect of an AI-dominated future remains divisive. While some argue that such systems could lead to improved safety and accountability, others fear the ethical and privacy implications of constant monitoring. With AI technology advancing rapidly, the debate around its role in society will only intensify as leaders like Ellison push the boundaries of its application.



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