Mark Kelly Faces Scrutiny Over Ties to China Amid VP Campaign


Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.), considered a leading contender for the vice-presidential spot on Kamala Harris' campaign, is facing increased scrutiny over past business dealings with China. This scrutiny comes as the Harris campaign continues its vetting process, considering Kelly's potential impact on the ticket amid rising tensions with Beijing.

Kelly, a former astronaut and U.S. Navy pilot, has been a significant figure in Arizona politics since his election in 2020. However, his ties to Chinese business ventures have raised concerns among critics who question his suitability for the vice-presidential role. These concerns stem from his involvement in a space tourism and defense contracting venture before his tenure in the Senate. This venture has been highlighted by conservative voices as a potential vulnerability​​.

The criticism comes as the Harris campaign seeks to bolster its national security credentials in light of ongoing geopolitical challenges. Kelly's critics argue that his business dealings with Chinese entities could be exploited by political opponents to question his loyalty and judgment. The scrutiny intensifies as the campaign aims to maintain a hardline stance against China's growing influence and alleged espionage activities.

Kelly has publicly dismissed these concerns, emphasizing his commitment to national security and his record of service. He has highlighted his extensive military background, including 39 combat missions during Operation Desert Storm, and his career as a NASA astronaut, which included several missions to the International Space Station. His supporters argue that these experiences make him uniquely qualified to address national security issues​​.

Despite the controversy, Kelly remains a popular choice among some Democratic circles. His military and space exploration background, coupled with his advocacy for gun control alongside his wife, former Rep. Gabby Giffords, has endeared him to a significant segment of the Democratic base. Prominent figures within the party, including long-respected political commentators and strategists, have praised Kelly's potential to complement Harris on the ticket​​.

As the vetting process continues, the Harris campaign is weighing the potential risks and benefits of selecting Kelly. The decision will likely hinge on balancing his appeal to key voter demographics with the need to mitigate any vulnerabilities that could be leveraged by the opposition.

Kelly's past business ventures will undoubtedly remain a focal point of scrutiny. The campaign's ability to address these concerns transparently will be crucial in maintaining voter confidence. As the election approaches, the Harris-Kelly ticket, if finalized, will need to navigate these challenges while presenting a united front on national security and economic policies​​.

In summary, Sen. Mark Kelly's vice-presidential aspirations are complicated by his past ties to China. As the Harris campaign deliberates, the outcome will depend on their strategy to address these controversies and leverage Kelly's strengths to bolster their ticket in a contentious election season.


  1. Mark Kelly sure set the bar low for himself if he’s going to play second fiddle to Harris! The day you become a democrat thats the day mind rot starts setting in!

  2. Nobody that does business with the CCP should be allowed in our government. In fact they should be kicked out of America. The CCP is our most serious enemy. Every Chinese national attending schools in America are Chinese spys and should be deported. Any university that has tiesto China should be defunded and sanctioned. China has but one goal; to destroy the U.S.A. and they are making great progress because our politicians and people allow it.

  3. I think that he will fit in with the Zerobama, Biding his time, and Kantaccomplishanything as they are well on the way to making the US a Socialist country with deep ties to China and Russia. After all, the funds he receives from China can be put in the same envelope with the payments to the Biden family. I served in the military as did all of my uncles and male cousins. I love the US, and always have for my 88 years on earth. But, if the Dumbocrats win in November I will move to another country. As much as I would hate to.


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