Six Russian Nationals with Alleged ISIS Ties Arrested in Major U.S. Cities


Six Russian nationals with alleged ties to ISIS were arrested in New York City, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles, raising concerns about potential terrorist activities within the United States. The arrests were part of a coordinated effort by federal and local authorities to thwart what some sources feared could have been a plot akin to the Boston Marathon bombing.

The individuals, whose identities have not yet been disclosed, were taken into custody following extensive surveillance and intelligence operations. Authorities believe that these suspects were involved in planning or supporting terrorist activities, potentially targeting high-profile locations and events. The Department of Justice confirmed the arrests, emphasizing the ongoing commitment to preventing terrorism on American soil.

In New York City, the FBI conducted raids in multiple boroughs, detaining several suspects who were reportedly in possession of materials that could be used to construct explosive devices. Similarly, in Philadelphia and Los Angeles, coordinated raids led to the capture of additional suspects, all believed to be connected through a network of extremist activities. These operations were carried out with the support of local law enforcement agencies and Homeland Security.

The Justice Department stated that the arrests were the result of a long-term investigation into individuals who had entered the U.S. with the intention of conducting terrorist operations. These suspects are alleged to have had contact with ISIS operatives overseas and may have been receiving directives from the terrorist organization. The department is now working to piece together the full extent of the plot and any additional threats posed by these individuals.

Public reaction to the arrests has been one of heightened concern, especially given the reference to the Boston Marathon bombing, which remains a stark reminder of the potential for domestic terrorism. Local and federal authorities are urging the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities, emphasizing that community awareness is crucial in preventing such attacks.

Governor Maura Healey of Massachusetts praised the efforts of law enforcement agencies, stating, "Our law enforcement agencies have once again demonstrated their dedication to protecting the public from those who seek to do us harm. We will continue to work closely with federal partners to ensure the safety of our communities".

The suspects are expected to face charges related to terrorism and conspiracy, with potential sentences that could include life imprisonment if convicted. As the investigation continues, authorities are also looking into whether any other individuals were involved or if there are additional threats that need to be addressed.

This development underscores the persistent threat of terrorism and the ongoing efforts required to safeguard national security. The collaborative actions of federal, state, and local agencies are pivotal in disrupting plots before they can be executed, demonstrating the critical importance of intelligence and law enforcement cooperation.


  1. But but but the FACT that DJT said that there really ARE ‘very bad people’ illegally entering the US was/is just crazy talk, well at least if ya listen to the lame stream media. Never mind all of the hundreds of thousands (millions?) of ‘gotaways’ that we have no idea as to their loyalties or where they are hanging out. Nah nothing to see here, move along.

  2. Way To Go joe biden, you STUPID JERK!! This is what happens when you leave the FRONT DOOR OPEN (The Border) VOTE TRUMP 2024!!!!!! And Have that Front Door Closed and LOCKED!!!! Then round up all the TRESSPASSERS and Ship them back where they came from.


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