Uncovering the Truth: A Conservative Perspective on Biden’s Border Crisis


Amidst the chaos and controversy surrounding President Biden's handling of the ongoing border crisis, one perspective has been consistently silenced – that of the conservative viewpoint. As the flood of illegal immigrants continues to pour into our country, one Border Patrol agent from El Paso bravely speaks out, shedding light on the true impact of Biden's policies.

At the forefront of the crisis, Agent Smith* paints a grim picture of the situation at the border. "It's an absolute disaster," he declares, his voice heavy with frustration.

"We are overwhelmed and understaffed, with no end in sight." According to Smith, the surge of migrants has stretched resources thin, leaving Border Patrol agents struggling to keep up with the constant flow of individuals, many of whom are unaccompanied minors.

But the problems don't end there. Smith also reveals that the majority of these migrants are not just seeking a better life, as the mainstream media would have us believe. "These are not innocent families looking for a better future," he states firmly. "We are seeing criminals, gang members, and even suspected terrorists crossing our borders unchecked."

The consequences of Biden's border policies are dire, as Agent Smith explains. "Not only are we facing a humanitarian crisis, but also a national security threat," he warns. "We have no way of knowing who is entering our country, and that puts every American at risk." Despite the alarming situation, Smith claims that their voices are being silenced by the current administration, further exacerbating the problem.

Adding fuel to the fire, Smith also sheds light on the lack of support from the Biden administration. "We have been given no clear guidance or resources to handle this crisis," he reveals. "It's as if they want us to fail." As a result, Border Patrol agents are forced to make difficult decisions, often risking their own safety to carry out their duties.

As the border crisis rages on, the effects are being felt not only by those on the front lines but by every American. The strain on resources, increased crime rates, and potential security threats are just the beginning. Agent Smith warns that if something is not done soon, the consequences will be far-reaching and long-lasting.

Despite the mounting challenges, Agent Smith and his fellow Border Patrol agents continue to serve their country with unwavering dedication and courage. "We are committed to protecting our borders and our citizens," he declares. "But we can't do it alone. We need the support of our government to secure our nation's borders and keep Americans safe."

As the border crisis continues to dominate headlines, it is crucial to consider all perspectives, including that of the brave men and women on the front lines. While the Biden administration may choose to ignore or downplay the severity of the situation, the words of Agent Smith serve as a powerful reminder of the harsh reality facing our country. It's time to take action and demand change before it's too late.

What are YOUR thoughts on the border?

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  1. These foolish youth, so spoiled, arrogant and full of themselves.
    They do not realize what they are doing to this country until they, themselves, are attacked and harmed by one of these evil black hearted people.
    Facts mean nothing to them and they are just repeating the same mistakes made in the past.

  2. What Biden has done to our border is a disgrace, and, in my opinion, Treason. He needs to be removed from office. I truly think that there will be a terror attack on our country that will make 9/11 look small. I think it is time for all 50 states to stand up against this regime and support Texas in shutting down the border. Biden, Harris, Mayorkas and anyone else in government pushing this open border should be brought up on charges of High Treason.

  3. Biden and his Democrat hacks don’t give a hoot about regular Americans. They walk around with private security guards and have gated residences paid for by us. They aren’t the ones being attacked in the street and in their homes. Biden refuses to build a wall to protect America, but just built an 8 foot wall around his property to protect himself. What a deranged creep!

  4. Biden and the democrats do not care about America or the American people. In fact rhey hate American and are doing everything to destroy America. We the people will win out in the long run because we will not have an America at all, and will force the Lords return that much closer, and when the Lord judges them fpr their crimes they haven’t a leg (word) to stand on and will be sentenced to the firey sulfer pit with satan for eternity and that will be their just reward for the destruction of America and Gpd’s people.

  5. YEAH. I’m lovin’ the wall Trumpty Dumpty built for me. And got the Mexies to pay for it. TRump left office after he was told he was the LOSER, and dumped ALL his unfinished issues in Bidens lap. I am NOT a Biden fan or supporter so don’t start blaming Sleppy Joe for all the countries problems. Whose fault these problems are is irrelevant. What DOES matter is how are we going to fix the problem(s). Haven’t heard either BS politician explain that. They just sling insults back and forth like two 3rd graders. There just has to be two better candidates than these two sorry assed jokers.

  6. agree with Don. Such lawless behavior from joe means he ihas blood on his hands. Hold hm accountable for all the illegal stuff.


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