The Unseen Health Crisis: How Lax Border Policies Are Exposing America to Disease Risks


In recent times, the United States has witnessed an unprecedented surge in migrant crossings at its southern border, with figures reaching almost 190,000 in February 2024 alone. This influx, while a testament to the enduring appeal of the American dream, brings with it a less visible but equally significant threat: the risk of infectious diseases entering the country. Historically, America has been a fortress against many major diseases that have devastated other parts of the world, thanks to stringent public health measures and robust screening processes. However, the current situation at the border marks a departure from these practices, leaving the nation vulnerable.

Dr. Harvey Risch, a seasoned epidemiologist, has voiced concerns over the inadequate health screening of immigrants crossing into the United States. His warnings are not unfounded; the lack of comprehensive health checks at the border stands in stark contrast to the rigorous examinations once conducted at Ellis Island, where immigrants were meticulously screened for contagious diseases before being allowed entry. This meticulous approach ensured that only healthy individuals could enter, thereby safeguarding the population from potential health crises.

Echoing Dr. Risch's apprehensions, Dr. Marc Siegel from New York University’s Langone Health highlighted the presence of diseases such as tuberculosis, COVID-19, hepatitis A and B, among migrants. Furthermore, internist Dr. James Hodges has pointed out the emergence of drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis, exacerbated by open border policies. These insights underscore the pressing need for a reassessment of health management strategies at the border to mitigate the risks of disease transmission.

The comparison with Ellis Island's stringent health checks is particularly poignant. Back then, doctors were vigilant for signs of contagious diseases like trachoma and tuberculosis, ensuring that anyone with questionable health was thoroughly examined. This historical precedent illustrates a time when public health was paramount, guiding immigration policies to protect both the newcomers and the resident population.

Today, however, the scenario is markedly different. The absence of even basic health screenings such as temperature checks for most immigrants entering through the southern border exposes a glaring vulnerability in the nation's defense against global pathogens. This oversight not only endangers the health of the American populace but also strains the healthcare system, which must now brace for potential outbreaks of diseases previously kept at bay.

The implications of this oversight are far-reaching. For decades, Americans have enjoyed relative immunity from many infectious diseases, thanks to the country's isolation and advanced healthcare infrastructure. However, the current laxity in border health protocols could erode this advantage, exposing the population to infections against which they have little to no immunity.

Addressing this issue requires a multifaceted approach. Strengthening health screening procedures at the border is imperative, as is bolstering the healthcare system's capacity to manage and contain outbreaks. Moreover, there is a need for a balanced discourse that acknowledges the humanitarian aspects of migration while prioritizing public health and safety.

In conclusion, the United States stands at a crossroads. The choice is between maintaining an open-door policy without adequate health safeguards, thereby flirting with disaster, or reinstating stringent health checks to protect the nation's health security. The lessons from Ellis Island serve as a reminder of the importance of vigilance in public health, especially in times of mass migration. As the country navigates this challenge, the decisions made today will shape the health landscape of tomorrow.

How do you feel about the dangers of our open border?

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  1. Where is Congress? Why haven’t they done something to stop illegals from entering our country who aren’t given proper examinations to determine diseases, viruses, etc., affecting citizens of the United States. Democrats/Biden always react instead of acting to alleviate situations concerning Americans. Who will stand for enforcing the laws as well as protecting and making America safe again for all legal Americans? If people want to come to our country, they should come in legally and learn to follow the laws of our country.

  2. seems to me to be a bit late. But yes, we certainly will be wise to not only stop unbridled immigration, but also to somehow insure that those who immigrate get inoculations!
    And, let’s try hard to elect a wise and honest president and other officials!
    Pray to the God who cares, for wisdom and vigilance!

  3. Biden is also a disease. He and all of these illegals need to be sidelined and sent back to where they came. TRUMP 2024.

  4. Joe Biden border policy is killing American citizens with no health screen of illegal immigrants. I believe everyone in the Biden should be charged immediately with involuntary manslaughter for allowing a diseased population to invade the United States at will. Stop all of them by whatever means necessary.

  5. This is an invasion on many levels. We are at risk in many aspects. Who over sees the government ? America needs help now !


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